Hey everybody! Last week was so busy for me! I went to Indianapolis with my WE the People class on Sunday and Monday (if you have no idea what that is then please YouTube it or ask me). Then on Tuesday I went to Nashville with my Honors Orchestra and we played at the mall and at the Grand Ole Opry! Then on Wednesday, I had to play with my Honors Orchestra again, but this time we had to play for the 4th graders. Then on Thursday I had a final in Algebra, then later that night I had another concert with my Orchestra. Then on Friday everybody was hyped up because of Christmas Break! And finally, on Saturday, I slept until 11:30 and I had nothing else to do! It was CRAZY!!! But during the whole week, I took pictures for you guys! Yea!!!
Me and my bus-buddy, Josie (to Indianapolis)
Me and my friends, Josie, Abby, and Lillie, at the hotel!
Amazing views!
Dinner with Josie... and some unspoken others...
Josie, Abby, and me at the center of Indy! <3
Then this was my group (Unit 3!) right before our first round!
These are all of the pictures I took while in Indy!
Then this was at the Grand Ole Opry!
That was just the lobby!!!
Those are of the Garden in the Hotel!
Those were from inside the Delta! (that was a really good cheeseburger!!!)
Then here are some more!
Then here's some pictures of the ice things inside the hotel!!!
So there are the beautiful lights outside of the Hotel!
I hope you guys had a great week and a Merry Christmas!
<3 Loren